Welcome to the Department of Exceptional Scholars

  • Welcome to the Special Education department of Humboldt City Schools! Humboldt City Schools' Special Education department is committed to working with families and community agencies to ensure the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act by creating and supporting inclusive environments, services and programs that offer opportunities for educational, social, behavioral, and emotional success for students with disabilities including gifted students.

    In keeping with the mandate from IDEA Humboldt City Schools seeks to provide the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for all students.  This means the door to schools, classrooms, and school activities are open to every student and they are afforded every opportunity to be included with their non-disabled peers.  A continuum of services is available for each student based on the IEP team decision on the placement of those services- either in general education or special education setting. The focus is on giving each student the help he/she needs to learn.

    Students receiving special education services are enrolled using the same enrollment process as that used by students who do not receive special education services. Parents are asked to contact their zoned school as early as possible in the enrollment process so that an IEP meeting can be schedule. It would be very helpful in determining appropriate special education services. If the parent can bring a copy of the current IEP, eligibility form, and assessments.

    Identification Process

    If a student is suspected of having a disability that impacts their ability to make progress in school, staff or parents may refer the student for a special education evaluation under the provisions of the Tennessee State Board of Education, Part II (TRR/MS 0520-1-9-.06 & .07). A team of educators and related service providers will conduct evaluations to form a determination of eligibility for special education services.  This team is made up of the school psychologist, a special education teacher, other relevant related service providers, parent/guardians, a guidance counselor, and the student (14 years or older). This team will review the results of these evaluations.  The team will determine whether a student presents with one or more educational disabilities and requires specially designed instruction from special educators to access the general education curriculum and make effective progress. 

Resources and Opportunities

Special Education Staff

Gift Education